National Womens Golf Day 6.4. 2024-06-04


National Womens Golf Day 6.4. for 2024-06-04

Event Name: National Women's Golf Day / Tuesday Night Women's League

Date: Tuesday, June 4th                     

Time: 5:30pm Shotgun 

# Of Holes: 9

Tees: Three Trees

Team Size: 1

Cost:   $10 Per League Night

*Cart fees are not included in entry. Players have the option to walk or ride.

Entry Includes: Prize Fund

Format: Scramble

Restrictions: TRWGC Members Only

Notice:  Your attendance at this event is valued.  However, for adequate preparation time, registration for all TRWGC requires a 48-hour cancellation policy to avoid charges to your account.  Thank you for helping TRWGC plan and execute quality events.

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